- Frequency Control: Digital Synthesizer 5 KHz - 1 GHz.
- Frequency Step Size: 1 Hz to 10MHz.
- Frequency Accuracy: +/- 2 ppm (TCXO settable with WWV or a counter @ 10 MHz).
- TDR (Time Domain Reflectometer) function with min resolution of approximately 1 inch (2.5cm).
- Calibration: software controlled (no screwdriver adjustments).
- Precision calibration loads are included: short, open, 50 ohm resistor.
- ADC resolution: 12 bits.
- Measurement Ranges:
- SWR: 1 to 20
- Impedance: 1 ohm to 5K ohms up to 60 MHz, 2K ohm to 200 MHz, 600 ohms to 1 GHz
- Phase Angle: +/-90 degrees (true phase)
- Accuracy: 1 ohm +/- 2% of reading up to 60 MHz,
5% up to 500 MHz,
10% up to 1 GHz
- Parameters displayed include: SWR, Reflection coefficient, Return loss, Magnitude of load impedance, Phase angle of load impedance, Equivalent series resistance and reactance, Equivalent parallel resistance and reactance. Reactance is shown as inductance (uH) or capacitance (pF) according to the phase angle.
- Two Smith Chart displays with zoom, phase offset and markers.
- Data can be referenced to the antenna terminals.
- RF Output: Programmable 0.2 to 20 microwatts (-17dBm) max.
- Type-N connector is standard.
- Max stray RF input while measuring: 150mV peak (-6dBm)
- Max safe RF input: 2V peak (+16dBm)
- PC Interface: USB cable included
- Display: Graphics output on PC screen.
- Mouse controlled cursor for digital parametric readout.
- Markers for highlighting up to 20 user specified frequencies.
- Audible tone and speech output for SWR
- Power Requirements: 7 to 15 VDC at 380mA max (120VAC power supply included)
- Dimensions: 5" x 4" x 1.5" (12.7 x 10.2 x 3.8 cm)
- Software updates are available from W5BIG.com (no cost).
Updated: Jan 3, 2011